
artist proofs and prints ::: to burn a daydream... or a wish... or a promise

::: for a limited time simple box construction is offering one of a kind artist proofs and prints from the TO BURN A DAYDREAM... OR A WISH... OR A PROMISE edition. this edition comprises of 5 single versions of 5 color/plate intaglio prints and 4 artist proofs. each plate is hand wiped with ink, registered and printed on paper. the full size prints feature additional collage work.

::: the proofs measure 6" x 9" and are printed on various fine intaglio papers. most are printed in black of one or two plates. prices include shipping and they are first come first serve. these will not be printed again. to view close ups and larger images click on the pictures.








::: this small edition of intaglio prints titled, TO BURN A DAYDREAM... OR A WISH... OR A PROMISE is limited to 5 copies and each copy is its own unique version. a version of this print was featured in the 9TH INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL PRINT AND DRAWING EXHIBITION at the TAIPEI FINE ARTS MUSEUM in Taiwan. this is an unnumbered edition since there is only one version of each print. each version measures 22 1/2" x 30" and has a 5 color/plate intaglio print in the upper portion. the bottom portion includes various printing and collage materials. to view close ups and larger images click on the pictures. these prints will be carefully rolled and shipped in poster tubes.

::: no collage on bottom portion :::

22.5" X 30" intaglio print

::: wood print, charcoal, and wheat paste on bottom portion :::

22.5" X 30" intaglio print

::: burnt veneer, bits of charcoal, singed paper, and wheat paste on bottom portion :::



::: 2 color wood block print on bottom portion :::



::: burnt veneer, shellac, and wheat paste on bottom portion :::

22.5" X 30" intaglio print

::: thank you. your support is appreciated. :::


simple box construction ::: spring update

::: so THE NEW WORLD has been out for a little while and things are moving along. here are some things that have been going on and some things that will be happening in the near future.

::: the new world has seen its share of reviews all of which can be found on the reviews page. there are still a few sites that will hopefully review it. keeping up with orders has been a bit of a challenge since the covers are so labor intensive and are not all yet complete. however, all orders are caught up now and the covers are being finished up continuously so orders can go out immediately. also the album will be available at some online distributors too. simple box construction/ a death cinematic did a massive interview with heathen harvest. the first part of the interview can be found here and the second part, discussing the finer details of THE NEW WORLD should be posted on their site soon. it will also be posted here on the interviews page along with all the other interviews.

::: new developments are in the works and here is a short overview of things to look forward to. simple box construction is working on a small video for a track off THE NEW WORLD which features the images form the PRELUDE TO THE NEW WORLD book. this should be out very soon. since now there is a collection of videos for a few a death cinematic tracks, simple box construction will be adding a video page to this site to help archive them and have them available for viewing in one place.

::: mixing and mastering of tracks will begin this week, not just for the new album (from simple box) but also for a cassette release on Tycho Magnetic Anomalies. details on this will be made available as things get closer to completion. shortly after that or maybe even during, a death cinematic will start recording some work for a vinyl split, a long play single and some other splits and collaborations.

::: on a final note, in order to help raise some funds for some of the forthcoming projects simple box construction will be posting some prints for sale in the next post. there are some artist proofs and some full size, full color prints that are available. full and detailed descriptions with images as well as ways to order the prints will be included in the next post. those who are connected on facebook have already seen previews of the prints and some of the new artwork, drawings, and photography that simple box construction has been working on. to view some of the artwork you can check out the photo album here. more to come soon.