
simple box construction ::: a death cinematic live ::: autumn update

::: the second A DEATH CINEMATIC live show will be 11.15.14 at the trumbullplex in detriot. you can read all about it and preview the other artists here. i'll be opening the show so get in early.

::: in preparation for the show there has been a a lot of practicing and experimenting. here is a short video of a practice. the audio was captured by the video recording device so its not the best sound but you get the idea.

::: some other things happening at the simple box HQ worthy of note. the interview with diy conspiracy has been posted. you can head over and read the lengthy piece here. the DEADMEN books are crawling to completion. right after this book is released all focus will be shifted to finishing the next full length. the details for the murmur ring split are being worked out and that should be here relatively soon. some A DEATH CINEMATIC tracks have recently been featured on the earl times broadcast. lastly, i am working on putting together a mailing list for all things SIMPLE BOX CONSTRUCTION and A DEATH CINEMATIC. that is it for now. as always, thank you for checking in.