
simple box construction ::: the 2016 mid summer update

::: hello all. this is the long over due update but it is finally ready and it coincides with the new simple box construction email campaign. you can sign up for it here. these email updates will be infrequent but (hopefully) informative. they are meant to supplement the updates that go up on the simple box construction site. with the ever narrowing exposure on facebook and the cluster fuck of twitter, the idea here is to get some information about forthcoming projects and releases to people who might be interested and are probably missing it. as i have often tried to make these updates more timely and regular i have been unable to do that. time sure does fly and when six months or more go by between postings it is easy to lose track. of course, if these projects no longer interest you, please feel free to unsubscribe. there will be no hard feeling. promise.

:::so what has been going on? as some of you have seen on the adeathcinematic instagram and facebook pages things at simple box construction have been real busy. there is now at least three current releases that have either just come out or are being worked on to come out very soon. below you'll find information about these and other things that are happening or are about to happen here at simple box construction and with a death cinematic.

::: SBC - 024 - murmur ring | a death cinematic split cassette. finally, after a long while the murmur ring/ a death cinematic split is finally out. this split cassette is jointly released with geweih ritual documents and simple box construction. it is a limited edition release of 150 copies in hand made packaging. you can read more about it and see other production pictures and videos here. you can stream the whole split and order a copy over at the geweih ritual bandcamp. you can also order a copy directly from simple box construction webstore or the a death cinematic bandcamp page. i am sure that copies will be available from murmur ring as well. i've included some other production/ progress shots of the packaging on here. there are more in the facebook album and on instagram. if you are interested, the sbc you tube channel has some time lapse production videos of some of the processes used in making the packaging for this release. all orders at simple box are now caught up and the remaining copies are ready to ship.

::: SBC - 023 - humming in the warmth of the tilt photo book and cd. simple box construction has also been working on a private and exclusive photo book and cd project. there is not much i can divulge about this project other than once it is done it will be archived on the simple box construction site. the music recorded for this will be limited only to this release and not available anywhere else. this book and cd was available to order for a short time at the beginning of may and is limited in number of copies to orders placed.

for those of you who have ordered a copy and are waiting, another update on this specific release is coming up shortly.

::: SBC - 020 - ....and the birds of death.... cd and book. the new full length album, ....AND THE BIRDS OF DEATH.... is also moving toward completion. this has become one of the most labor intensive projects that simple box construction has ever been involved with. again, there are lots of pictures on the adeathcinematic instagram and the facebook album for this release. this album, just like THE NEW WORLD (SBC - 011), will have a hand bound book of images that comes with it. the packaging is elaborate, hand made, and it includes oversized wooden trays bound with paper.

the music and sounds have been recorded and mastered, ready to go for some time but the design elements needed a lot of working out and reworking. some of the delays have been due to problems with materials and laborious processes for printing and binding. there are a few time lapse production videos on the simple box construction you tube channel.

once the aforementioned book is completed the main focus will be completing and releasing this album. there are still a lot of things to do so it is hard to come up with an official release date. seeing how this album has been in production for well over two years now, i hope to be releasing it sometime in 2016.

::: so aside from these three major projects there are also ideas and designs in the works for things to come after. including the possibility of more live shows, art installations, and a few other very limited releases as well as a split with twilight fauna. i am also doing designs and layouts for drawing and photography books, a couple of new t-shirt designs, and all new recordings and poems (which will be posted here). but more on these later, this email/ update is long enough already.

::: thank you for reading but more importantly thank you for your support and faith in this project. till next time, take care all and be well.

::: simple box construction/ a death cinematic [ ignis letum ]

::: items still in print and available:
a parable on the aporia of vengeance and the beauty of impenetrable sadness
the new world (cd) and prelude to the new world (book)
beneath that grand usurper t shirt

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