::: a small progress update on two of the forthcoming releases. to view other images please go here.
::: SBC - 008 the art card set for the poem NO HOPE, PROGRESS is coming along nicely. there are still a few details to work out. however the reverse side of each card will be partially manipulated by hand which means that there will be no two sets that are exactly alike. i will be trying to use fire/ heat as a drawing tool should be abstract but interesting. this release should be available shortly.
::: SBC - 009 the split with the sons of alpha centauri is also shaping up very well. all the music is done. close to an hour of post apocalyptic ambiance and reverie. four tracks by the sons and two by a death cinematic. the covers are moving along nicely as well and everything should be ready for a release date by the end of september. each cd will come with two postcards, one by each artist.

nice! let me know when I can order the split :)